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February 2, 2024: No, you're the really nice guy

(The 6th opinion under this URL, with the heading: No, you're the really nice guy)

December 29, 2022: Who's Asian? Good question.

November 24, 2022: It is unconscionable to insist developing countries slow development

Sep 25, 2019: U.S. graduate students in STEM are mostly foreign


March 28, 2019: What ‘socialism’ means in America today


Mar 6, 2018: Lessons on protectionism (the third letter under this heading)


Aug 17, 2015: Google’s unprecedented shopping spree


Jan 19, 2014: The complications of free-trade deals in a global economy (the second letter under this heading, just below Commerce Secretary Penny Pritzker’s letter)


Jul 16, 2012: The dressing down over Olympic outfits


Mar 19, 2014: Indian scholars contributed to lore of pi

All-Academy Symposia

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Vinod Jain designed and chaired the following thought-leadership, All-Academy Symposia at the annual international conferences of the Academy of Management:

“Global strategy, innovation, and leadership – as West meets East.” Presenters: Vijay Govindarajan (Dartmouth), Stuart Hart (Cornell), Tarun Khanna (HBS), Ravi Ramamurti (Northeastern), and Mike Useem (Wharton), Vinod Jain (Maryland, Chair). (Philadelphia, PA: August 1-16, 2011).

“Democratization of education: e-Learning in a knowledge economy.” Presenters from: Indiana University, Pace University, University of Maryland University College, University of Texas at Dallas, and Warwick University. (Seattle, WA: August 1-6, 2003).

“Business models in the new economy.” Presenters from: University of Alabama, INSEAD (France), University of Oregon, Rutgers University, the Wharton School, Bowling Green State University, and a think tank in Canada. (Toronto, Canada: August 4-9, 2000).


© 2016 Vinod K. Jain
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© 2022 Vinod K. Jain

Selected Articles in Newspapers & Magazines

April 17, 2024: The Revolutionary Impact of Industry 4.0

March 5, 2024: Understanding the Dynamics of Winner-Take-All Markets

January 17, 2024: Moats vs. Ecosystems: Which Model Works Best? 

October 5, 2023: Competition and Antitrust in the Digital Age

August 2023: Five Steps to Securing a Seat at the Table

June 2023: Author Vinod Jain on How to Use Digital Transformation to Take your Company to the Next Level (Q&A with an editor of the Authority Magazine)

June 2023: How Can Technology Help Businesses Create and Capture Value? 


May 2023: Choosing Between the Platform and Ecosystem Business Models

April 2023: How a Legacy Business Should Undertake Digital Transformation 

April 2022: In praise of public libraries: A new golden age and not just on paper


July 2020: Old is New Again: A dazzling new sheen on the Rust Belt (Mensa Bulletin) 


November 2019: Brahmanization of the American Lexicon (Mensa Bulletin)


Nov 19, 2017: Despite the headlines, most people are “inherently decent” (The Baltimore Sun; and republished in the April/May 2018 issue of the Mensa Bulletin) 


Jun 8, 2017: The Indian IT industry’s future potential. (Mint, India’s second largest business daily) 


Jan 21, 2008: The India epidemics in the US. (The Economic Times, India’s largest-circulated economic and business daily) 

Book Chapters & Encyclopedia Entries

“Strengthening America’s international competitiveness through innovation and global value chains.” In Ben Kedia and Subhash Jain (Eds.), Restoring America’s Global Competitiveness through Innovation. Northampton, MA: Edward Allen, 2013. (co-author: S. Raghunath)

“Managing knowledge in the extended enterprise.” In Clarence Mann and Klaus Götz (Eds.), Borderless Business: Managing the Far-Flung Enterprise. Westport, CT: Praeger, 2006.

“Evolution of international investment strategy: A learning perspective.” In Michael A. Trick (Ed.), Global Corporate Evolution: Looking Inward or Looking Outward? Pittsburgh, PA: Carnegie Mellon University Press, 2004


“Learning organization.” In Susan Cartright (Ed.), The Blackwell Encyclopedic Dictionary of Human Resources Management. London: Blackwell, 2004.

“Continuous improvement.” In Susan Cartright (Ed.), The Blackwell Encyclopedic Dictionary of Human Resources Management. London: Blackwell, 2004.  

Regional Conferences

Vinod Jain designed and chaired/co-chaired the following conferences:


Global Security: Challenges and Opportunities (Co-chair)

Marriot Metro Center, Washington, D.C.: June 16-17, 2008

University of Maryland, Smith School CIBER


Innovation and Globalization (Co-chair)

Smith School CIBER, College Park, MD: November 8-9, 2007

University of Maryland, Smith School CIBER


Digital Economy Forum 2006: Globalization and Localization (Co-chair)

Robert H. Smith School of Business, College Park, MD: October 6, 2006

University of Maryland, Smith School CIBER


Central and Eastern Europe: Opportunities and Challenges of EU Accession (Chair)

The Inn and Conference Center, College Park, MD: November 3, 2003

University of Maryland University College


India: Intellectual Capital for the 21st Century (Chair)

The Inn and Conference Center, College Park, MD: June 27, 2003

University of Maryland University College


Global Risk Management: Evolving Issues and Approaches (Chair)

Hyatt Regency at the Arcade, Cleveland, Ohio: April 17-18, 2002

Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, OH


Managing Internationally in the Digital Economy (Chair)

Hilton Hotel, Toledo, Ohio: February 15-16, 2001

Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, OH


The 2000 World Trade Day: E-Commerce and Globalization (Chair)

Toledo Convention Center, Toledo, Ohio: October 10-11, 2000

Toledo Area International Trade Association

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